Beta Test Epoch (latest)Select a leaderboard to view the top players in that category.
Overall Leader
Leader: Joe Phil (LOLHoboMan) 537299
Healing Done
Leader: Layrantel Shaunte Diggs (goplin) 867
Healing Received
Leader: Layrantel Shaunte Diggs (goplin) 854
Monster Damage
Leader: Swamp Tony (Easter Bannis) 210624
Bolts Generated
Leader: Joe Phil (LOLHoboMan) 329790
Bolts Spent
Leader: Michael Scofield (The-Anti-Akuma) 150090
Successfully Defended
Leader: Layrantel Shaunte Diggs (goplin) 4
Locker Rot Kills
No characters have scored in this leaderboard yet.
These leaderboards were last updated 6 months ago.
They are updated every night at midnight UTC.